Thursday 23 August 2012

Sally: A well loved member of our crazy family! A Toys R Us Review!

Toys R Us is where she came from 
all those years ago
she's really now a part of us

we'd never let her go!

Yes, our lovely new addition, 
Sally, pretty and so sweet!
with long blonde hair, buttercup soft skin
And tiny shoes upon her feet!

We've had Sally a few years now!
So she's in a little mess
my daughters love to change her clothes
so she's usually undressed!

Sally is taller than my daughter
and quieter no less!
With opened arms 
we welcomed her
she really is the best!

Sally's been on holiday with us, 
and sleeps in Roxys bed!
Shes even had her hair brushed 
Over a million billion times,
Constantly kissed upon her head!

Sally has such a pretty smile
with gorgeous clothes to wear!
Roxy loves to share her headbands
to put into Sally's hair.

Sally has even helped us,
teaching life-skills to my Rox
like how to sit on the potty
or even how to pull up socks!

This life sized doll is worth it
every penny you will spend
Sally will be part of you forever
and you won't ever want to lend! 

She's a dolly and a sister
and a new friend rolled in one!
Just look at our Sally
and you'll soon see all the fun!

A perfect gift or present
for any little girl
Sally is so very special.....

.............I promise she'll brighten up your world! 

Well, after all that I'm betting now you want a Sally of your own! Well worry ye not! Here is the LINK to Sally and her even cuter brother Sam! Its not only little girls that need a friend after all!

If you  have your own Sally or Sam do feel free to post a picture of the fun they have with YOUR family!

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