Tuesday 15 May 2012

A bit about my Hubby-to-be! (25 days baby!)

Some of you reading this may know that in 25 short days me and my beloved will be hitched, united in matrimony and stuck with each other forever! I cannot wait to be Mrs Talbot-Ashby! There are very few, & I cannot wait to be one of 'em & up the numbers a little!

I met Rich online, a place called Myspace http://www.myspace.com/, and to cut a long story very short, I thought he was a soldier and messaged him in the style of Mr T, he thought I was Spam, we texted, we chatted, he pretended to fling himself out of a window, & then invited me to Italy, I declined & we had a first date in London, to which both of us spent the entire time quoting 'Friends' with Joeys iconic 'LONDON BABY!' 

Together we ate a burger from The Fine Burger Company http://www.fineburger.co.uk/, he made me laugh and blush so often I was re-heating the food simply by looking at it! The second I realised I was actually really falling for this fellow was when he leaned in close,
 ( he smelled of bodyshop White Musk So YUMMY! http://www.thebodyshop.co.uk/_en/_gb/catalog/product.aspx?ParentCatCode=C_Mens&CatCode=C_Mens_Fragrance&prdcode=42711m!)
& said
"I have never seen anybody as gorgeous.........as that woman sat over there in the red top!'
I laughed so hard I early cried, gorgeous AND funny? Really? Do these men really exist?

They really do. :-) 

Anyhoo, now we have been together over six years, he wants to be my hubby! I have had terrible taste in men in the past, really really bad, so being with someone who is not only my fiance, my boyfriend and the father to my children, but my real life best mate who I can tell ANYTHING to, is such an amazing achievement!

I spent a long time as  single parent, a long time telling myself men were this, men were that, useless, devoid of emotion, and I was quite expecting to bring up my two sons as a single mum. At the time, I really & truly was happy with this, I loved the fact I could stay up as long as I wanted without annoying anyone, I had my own space, I was working as a teaching assistant in a school with kids with behavioral problems, & singing in a rock/pop band, and to me, life was pretty peachy and I felt I was at the top of my game.

I think that's when good things happen, when you're so busy to notice it!

To try to sum Richy up would take me years, he is actually quite complex! However these are just some of the reasons why I think he's awesome!

1. He can make a blinding cuppa, first thing in the morning without fail he always makes me a cuppa so I can wake up properly!

2. He does MORE than his fair share with the kids, from changing bums to helping sort out dodgy tums! He is a very hands-on dad.
3. How he works so hard, rain or shine, no matter that we have no car and he has to walk miles in the rain/snow/sleet, he does it, and never ever complains either, always pushing himself so that he can climb the ladder so to speak...
4. I can tell him anything, from Periods to pineapples, there is no subject I can't discuss with him.
5.I love how he looks a little like Captain Caveman when he first wakes up and hasn't shaved for a while.....
 I could go on and on and on.............. :-D

Anyways!.... now, every night, I go over and over our first dance ( its a bit different!) and I think about our vows to one another, and I think about how proud I shall be walking out of that room with him as my husband, and I know that I shall dedicate the rest of my life just trying to make him smile and happy. Hell, I have seen so many marriages go wrong, my own parents for one, so I will not be taking those vows lightly. He is my best friend, my comforter, my confidante, just everything to me. And I cannot wait until June 9th! x x x 


  1. Even if you never believe me, you are GORGEOUS and BEAUTIFUL! and all the best for you and Richy, I know you will be happy, you already found all the luck on the world by having each other and your amazing children!
    Love you chick xxx

  2. He is lovely and so are you :-) xxx
