Wednesday 18 July 2012

Please lick your plate??? PLEASE!

Oh what can I do!
Oh woe, woe is me!
My child won't eat a bean,
nor even a pea!
How will she grow up
to be healthy, strong tall,
How will I cope
if she just won't play ball?
I coax her with food
be it spicy or simple
but a shake of her head,
all blonde curls and dimples
tells me 'No mummy no!
I will not eat that!
those sausages are as tempting
as an over-cooked rat!'
So I fuss and I dither
over what next I can try
be it fish fingers
or a delicious hot pie!
Warm stews and carrots
or potatoes and mince
but each time she says no
my heart gives a wince!
so I had an idea,
of what I could do
yes, it would mean for us all
a few changes or two!
I take her to the kitchen
and she sits next to me
as I chop up her food
I just let her see
food isn't an enemy
something to hate
its there for your health darling
So please lick your plate!!
And so with gusto
she'll now stir the pot
us watching carefully
because, of course, its hot!
she stirs and she giggles
knowing she's making dinner
and if this helps her eat it
then we'll both be the winner!
We sit as a family
the table all laid
she watches us all eat
the dinner we've made
she samples and licks
tentatively at first
sipping her water to quench her thirst
then YES! takes a nibble!
Oh what a score!
She's slowly chewing
and now asking for more???
Could this be real?
My daughter wants food?
delicious hot rolls
are now being chewed!
 She smiles at me wickedly
like deep down she knew
all the trouble we went through
to get her to chew!
So yes, we have cracked it,
and no food go's to waste
she's enjoying my dinners!
Well, she HAS got good taste!

Just in case you have a fussy toddler like mine! Here is a link to a very interesting book that I found helped me! :-)

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